Mosquitoes are one of the pests, which cause issues in almost every house around the world. Well, they are bloodsuckers and can cause a lot of problems when you are sleeping. Some people might not know this, but not every mosquito is the bloodsucker. In general, only female mosquitoes bite to get blood from the skin. That is why you will get a red itchy welt on your skin.
To develop nutrition to give eggs and improve them, that is why the female mosquitoes bite. You might wonder how you can differentiate between male and female mosquito. Well, in general, there are a few characteristics that can help you to understand everything about it. So, if you want to learn everything about the male mosquitoes and how you can differentiate them, then you can look for all the information mentioned here.
How is the antenna different in male mosquito?

When it comes to the male mosquitoes, you will see that they have fine hairs on their antennas. So, you can quickly notice that it looks bushy to you when you see it with naked eyes. These flagella are essential for all the male mosquitoes as it helps them with hearing. It also comes in use when the main male mosquitoes start to look for the female mosquitoes. This is considered as the primary interest for the female mosquitoes.
When it comes to the female mosquitoes, you will see that they have less bushy hairs on the antenna. They have other receptors that can help them to target the blood so that they can reproduce.
What are some distinct characters in male mosquitoes?
There are some distinguishing characteristics in a male mosquito. When you check out all these things, then it will help you to differentiate between male and female mosquito easily.
• Size
You can check that the size of male mosquitoes is small as compared to the female mosquitoes. It is a general idea, which can help you to differentiate between them.
• Sound
Not only that, but the sound which is annoying buzzing is also only made by the female mosquitoes.
• Lifespan
In general, the female mosquitoes live longer as compared to the male mosquitoes. It also depends upon the conditions and the species of the mosquitoes.

Why male mosquitoes avoid human blood?
You can get more info about the male mosquitoes and why they don’t need human blood. Some people might not know this, but the mosquitoes do not require human blood, and that’s why they avoid human contact. It is suitable as the male mosquitoes are amongst the deadliest species as they carry diseases like yellow fever, malaria, and many others.
So, you can quickly get more info about the male mosquitoes and how they do not require blood. It will prove quite useful for them and ensure that you get the best outcome. Make sure that you are aware of all such things when you use mosquito repellents. As you already know that you can find various types of product that proves effective in controlling the numbers and getting rid of mosquitoes around the house.