How to Relieve Pain of Bee Sting

A lot of people are allergic to bee stings and to be honest they really can hurt. Many times the stinger gets left over and it must be removed due to the fact that the stinger is sometimes considered venomous. If you are looking for information on how to remove the stinger from a bee sting, keep reading.

Step one to attempting the removal of a bee sting is taking a small or very dull and scraping it in the opposite direction in kind of sweeping motion against your skin. This should hopefully help the stinger to pop out on its own. If that fails to remove the stinger, take a pair of tweezers and try removing the stinger that way. Either way you go, make sure that you are as careful as possible to not inject more of the stinger’s venom into your skin.

If you have any swelling and pain, try applying ice to the sting area. If the ice does not work try using some chewing tobacco. It can help remove the stinger and it can help absorb anything left and relive the pain. If you use the ice, try not to apply it directly to the skin. Try using an ice pack instead so you do not cause a skin burn.

Once you are done relieving the pain and swelling, try adding some kind of ointment or gel to stung area. Use a product that contains diphenhydraimine hydrochloride and something for pain such as lidocaine or benzocaine. You will also want to apply some kind of cream to help with any kind of allergic reaction. Hydrocortisone tends to be the best option for that.

If that does not help with the relieving that pain, you can take an over the counter medication such as ibuprofen to relieve the pain. Until the venom exits the bloodstream you may continue to feel pain. If swelling and pain continue to get worse call 911 immediately! Always seek medical attention, if nothing helps to relieve any of the symptoms or if someone has passed out and experiencing any other kind of life threatening symptoms.

How to Meditate to Relieve Pain and Stress

Always seek professional help for pain and stress. Meditation can be used in conjunction with your doctor’s care. Pain medication is not always the ideal solution for relieving pain and sometimes may not work effectively. The more you think about you’re illness and how miserable you feel, the more pain you will induce on yourself. Your mind is very powerful and will create any type of ailment you are thinking of. I suggest you use nature sounds along with your meditation session as it will enhance the experience.


To enhance your experience, try purchasing or downloading nature sounds.


Find a comfortable, quiet spot and silence the ringer on your telephone. Get into a comfortable seating or reclined position.


Close your eyes and surround yourself with white healing light. Using diaphragm deep breathing; take a deep breath and imagine white healing light entering the top of your head and flowing through your body, relaxing every part of your body. Hold your breath for 3 counts and slowly exhale out of your mouth releasing all stress and pain.


Repeat step 3 but now also imagine yourself lying on a white sandy beach all by yourself. Listen to the ocean waves breaking against the rocks and jetties along with the sound of seagulls flying over the water. Use your imagination to enhance the experience.


Continue to use diaphragm deep breathing, taking deep breaths and imagining white healing light flowing through your body and relaxing every part of your body. Don’t forget to hold your breath for 3 counts and slowly exhale out of your mouth releasing all stress and pain. Continue your breathing exercise until you’re very comfortable and relaxed.


Resume normal breathing and continue with your guided imagery of lying on the white sandy beach. Use all your senses to feel the mist of the water on your body, the smell of the ocean water, the warmth of the sun on your body, and any other relaxing beach sounds.


Keep all your senses alive and take in your environment so that you don’t fall asleep. When your ready to come back to reality just slowly start thinking of the room your in and then gradually open your eyes. You will feel refreshed and relaxed. Repeat the process as many times you feel necessary.