Wikipedia sources state that fishing gear is composed of: lures, bait, lines, rod, reels, net and trawls, downriggers, outriggers, gaffs, harpoons, floats, and last but not least traps.
Most sporting goods stores carry most if not all of these items. “Big 5 Sporting Goods” is very well known with stores in half of the country (USA), but most if not all bait/tackle shops should have these items. In places like Florida for example; Florida is famous for both salt-and freshwater fishing. It’s not uncommon for Floridians to live within walking distance of bait/tackle shops (Most Floridians live within walking distance to lakes, ponds, swamps and/or the sea). Florida is surrounded by water; freshwater and saltwater fishing tackle are similar, but beware: dissimilarities abound. Florida has got to be one of the best and least expensive places to fish in….

Not only are lures essential in saltwater fishing, they are a must! Lures (caveat: saltwater lures are usually bigger than freshwater) can be purchased for around $3-$5.00 each. Crocodile lures as they are called, are great for bonito and barracuda; bonitos or bonitas are small tunas (1-5 pound) which can be caught near the shore using lures. Heddon makes excellent fishing lures, read more from here.
It’s not an uncommon narrative for people whom have never gone fishing before to see someone fishing with lures next to them, and to their surprise being more successful than they are with bait. However, there are times when bait is a must. Sardines, mackerel (cut up in small pieces), mussels, squid, and worms make excellent inexpensive bait. Again, they’re available in most if not all bait/tackle shops.
Can be purchased anywhere. There are different size hooks to suit the quarry you are attempting to pursuit….
Don’t bother purchasing line under 15-pound test for saltwater, it’s futile for beginners. Monofilament fishing-lines are great. Ignore 4-5 pound test line (freshwater gear), as it won’t do you any good. 15-pound test (preferably 20-pound) is perfect, and inexpensive. If you’re a methodical individual who cleans their gear after usage (soap and water, and/or alcohol), etc., fishing lines can last upwards of 10 years.
Sinkers (weight):
Depending on where you are fishing from: pier fishing (shore) requires light sinkers, anywhere from 1/2-1 ounce. On the other hand, deep sea fishing requires heavier sinkers.
Many to chose from. Again, beware of the differences between saltwater fishing rods, and freshwater rods. Saltwater rods are usually bigger and sturdier than freshwater rods. When well taken care of; good rods ($140.00 or so) can virtually last you a lifetime. Daiwa products are not the cheapest, but they are worth it in the long run. Cheap rods don’t last long, forcing the individual to purchase fishing tackle more often.
Again, Daiwa makes great reels. If you take care of your reel, it can last you upwards of 25 years.
For around $200.00 or so can get a person started in one of the greatest sports known to mankind. Don’t purchase everything at once. If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to be sure you like fishing before ‘going all out’ purchasing expensive equipment. Only purchase essentials at first, little by little is best, and it wont break you financially.